The Fire Dragon: Beowulf's death, told from dragon point of view. Originally written for my 12th grade English class, it has become one of my favorites. I may add to it some more in the future.
Hannah and the Dragon: I wrote several stories for children at one point, and this is one of the very few to survive. It dates to around 6th grade.
The tale of Robintown: One of the first children's stories I ever wrote. It dated to about 5th grade, and was popular for a while among the first graders I used to read for. Sadly, it has not survived.
Red, White, and Blue Farm: Another one that has been lost over the years. This one was bad enough I'm grateful it's not still floating around.
Artorius Dux Bellorum: A thesis/research project on King Arthur I wrote for my 12th grade English class. It compares the literary and archaeological evidence left behind. All in all, it's an interesting read.
Choices: A short essay from 11th grade. Basically a look at some life choices, and advice to take "the road less traveled." Inspired by a quote from Robert Frost.
Bi: I wrote this for a Comp107 definition paper assignment. While I've known I was bisexual, since I was 16, it took me until mid-2002 to come to terms with it. In this essay, I was trying to define what it meant to me.
Dreamers: Part 1
The Lessons My Friends Taught: Started Senior year, and given out in booklet form on graduation night, this is a collection of quotes and advice that I put together. Almost all of my graduating class contributed, and then some. This is not the full list. I need to retype many entries, which were lost when the file got corrupted somehow. I have included as much as the original text as possible, with the exception of the foreword. All contributors have been included... where only the author's name appears, the author was also the contributor.
Dreamer abilities: Part 2
Swansong Prologue
Due to the sheer number of poems, I have moved all of them to a separate page.
Lessons 2: Lessons version 2, now open to new submissions. This is a place for my friends to add their own advice and quotes. Please e-mail all submissions to :) My interpretation of what's acceptable is very broad, but I reserve the right to delete any entries which are offensive.