Definition Paper

The word bisexual is a difficult thing to describe, as it is a label that embodies duality, in a culture that likes things to be pigeonholed into one category or another. It means first realizing that you are attracted to your own gender, as well as the other. Denying it can go on for years, until you force yourself to stare it in the face and say, this is a part of who I am. Close friends may push you away, especially if they are of the same gender as you. Sideways glances from them give lie to their acceptance, as they wonder if you'll hit on them. Stereotypes abound, as many people think bisexuals are "greedy," and won't be faithful to one person. Trust can be lost because of this, especially if your significant other is straight. They try and cure you, to change you, to look at you askance when they enter the room. I am different, branded to those who know, and yet I must be honest to those I love most. Friends say to come out to family, and then reveal they've never had the courage to do so themselves. Families disown, condemn, others insist that you are mentally ill. Yet you know you are mentally sound. Self-esteem goes down the tubes, but is bolstered again by friends who do support, who do understand. Other friends come out to you, telling of their own experiences of dealing with being bisexual. You become closer, and learn that even when you are accepted as being different, people try to force you into either the straight or gay categories. If you get married to a member of the opposite sex, being bisexual was just a phase, and they feel you are truly straight. If you end up with someone of the same sex, you are gay and were only trying to deny being so. I am caught in the limbo sometimes, fighting the labels, knowing who I am, but hearing my words ignored. I have learned to accept myself, but I must convince others to do the same.
