Yes, these three subjects are related. No, I am not morbid. In fact, I have a weak stomach when it comes to some aspects of college biology. (i.e. dissection) I want to work with animals that have been dead for at least a few million years.
I have wanted to be a paleontologist since I was in second grade. I hope to someday specialize in the study of the evolution of birds, though general vertebrae paleontology appeals to me, also. I have interviewed both Dr. Kirkland, the new paleontologist for state of Utah, and Dr. Thomas Holtz, of the University of Maryland. If their names are not familiar, both were featured on the Discovery Channel's special "Walking With Dinosaurs". I hope to have a chance to work with both of them someday.
I would also like the chance to work with Dr. Robert Bakker. He was one of the first paleontologists to push the theory that birds evolved from dinosaurs, and the theory that dinos were warm-blooded. My main paleo link at this point is the Smithsonian Institution. If you can, check out their on-line exhibits.
Archaeology is also a big interest of mine. I love history, and I am my family's self-appointed family historian. I love to talk shop. Careful, once you get me started, it's hard to get me to stop. Right now, I am trying to keep up to date on a dig in New York. The archaeologists at that site are excavating around one of the oldest properties in NYC, the Lott House. I've included two links to the Lott house. One leads to the Lott House homepage, and the other to the interactive dig at Archaeology Magazine's site. There is a separate link to Archaeology's homepage. Archaeology Magazine is a bi-monthly publication that seems to be a cross between a scientific journal and a regular magazine.
I am only interested in forensics up to the point where I watch "Forensic Science Night" on the Discovery Channel, and sometimes read books of case studies. As I stated before, I have a weak stomach. I also have a very vivid imagination. Try to picture those two factors coming into play at the same time, and you'll have an inkling of what I mean. My forensics links are The Discovery Channel, and a Furby Autopsy page. (I thought it was rather cool.)
The Smithsonian Institution
The Crime Library
Lott House Homepage
Lott House Interactive Dig
Archaeology Magazine
The Discovery Channel
The Furby Autopsy Page
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