Katrina Reynard Race: Half-Elf Class: Fighter Level: 1 XP: 175 Needed: 825 Gender: Female From: Age: 30 Height: 5'0" Weight: 143 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Skin: Dark Olive Notes: Alignment: Chaotic Good Physical Description: Personality: History: Str: 16 +3 Light: 1-76 lbs Dex: 10 +0 Medium: 77-153 lbs Con: 14 +2 Heavy: 154-230 lbs Int: 14 +2 Lift (Head): 230 lbs Wis: 10 +0 Lift (Ground): 460 lbs Cha: 14 +2 Push/Drag: 1150 lbs HP: 12 AC: 10 + (dex 0) + (armor 6) + (shield 0) + (natural 0) + (deflection 0) = 16 Speed: 30ft (Armored: 20ft) Hit Die: 1d10 Money: 5sp, 3cp Racial Abilities: Low-light vision Elven Blood Immunity to sleep spells +2 save vs enchantments Class Features: Feats: Weapon Focus (Greatsword) Armor Proficiency (heavy) Armor Proficiency (medium) Armor Proficiency (light) Martial Weapon Proficiency Shield Proficiency Simple Weapon Proficiency Improved Initiative Skill Points: 0 Ability Armor Misc Skills: Ranks Ability Mod Check Mod Total (cc)x Appraise 0 Int 2 -- 0 +2 (cc)x Balance 0 Dex 0 -7 0 -7 (cc)x Bluff 0 Cha 2 -- +2 x Climb Str -7 (cc)x Concentration Con -- x Craft Armor Int -- (cc) Decipher Script Int -- (cc)x Diplomacy Cha -- (cc) Disable Device Int -- (cc)x Disguise Cha -- (cc)x Escape Artist Dex -7 (cc)x Forgery Int -- (cc)x Gather Info Cha -- Handle Animal (cc)x Heal Wis -- (cc)x Hide Dex -7 xIntimidate Cha -- Jump Str -7 Kno: arcana Int -- Kno: archetecture Int -- Kno: dungeoneering Int -- Kno: geography Int -- Kno: history Int -- Kno: local Int -- Kno: nature Int -- Kno: nobility Int -- Kno: psionics Int -- Kno: religion Int -- Kno: the planes Int -- Listen Wis -- Move Silently Dex -7 Open Lock Dex -- Perform Cha -- Psicraft Int -- Profession Wis -- Ride Dex -- Search Int -- Sense Motive Wis -- Sleight of Hand Dex -7 Speak Language N/A -- -- -- Spellcraft Int -- Spot Wis -- Survival Wis -- Swim Str -7 Tumble Dex -7 Use Magic Device Cha -- Use Psionic Device Cha -- Use Rope Dex -- Languages: Celestial Draconic Common Elven Bonuses: Base Attack: +1 Melee Attack: +4 Ranged Attack: +1 Spell Res.: +0 Grapple: +4 Init: +4 Fortitude Save: +4 Reflex Save: +0 Will Save: +0 Magic Items: Item Bonuses Equipment: Backpack 2 lbs 2 gp Artisan's tools 5 lbs 5 gp Bedroll 5 lbs 0.1 gp Blanket, winter 3 lbs 0.5 gp Crossbow Bolts (180) 18 lbs 18 gp Candles (10) 0 lbs 0.1 gp Chalk (5pcs) 0 lbs 0.05 gp Fishhook 0 lbs 0.1 gp Flint and steel 0 lbs 1 gp Whetstone 1 lbs 0.02 gp Healer's kits (3) 3 lbs 150 gp Lantern, hooded 2 lbs 7 gp 1-pint flask Oil (5) 5 lbs 0.5 gp Trail Rations (20) 0 lbs 0 gp Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 10 lbs 1 gp Sack (empty) 0 lbs 0.1 gp Sealing wax 1 lbs 1 gp Sewing needles (3) 0 lbs 1.5 gp Soap (3 pcs.) 3 lbs 1.5 gp Spade 8 lbs 2 gp Potion belt 2 lbs 1 gp Belt pouch 3 lbs 1 gp Spell component pouch 3 lbs 5 gp Splint mail 45 lbs 200 gp Traveler's outfit 5 lbs 1 gp Greatsword 8 lbs 50 gp Crossbow, heavy 8 lbs 50 gp Total weight/cost: 140 lbs 499.38 gp Armor: Splint mail AC Bonus: +6 Max Dex: +0 Check Penalty: -7 Arcane Fail: 40% Hardness: 10 Weight: 45 lbs Cost: 200gp Weapons: Greatsword Attack: 5 Damage: 2d6+4 Crit: 19-20/x2 Range: 5' reach Weight: 8lb Size: Medium Type: Two-Handed Sword Cost: 50 gp Heavy Crossbow Attack: 1 Damage: 1d10 Crit: 19-20/x2 Range: 120 Weight: 8lb Size: Medium Type: Two-Handed Cost: 50 gp Ammo: Bolts (30x) Familiar: